In the insurance and business worlds, you’ll hear people refer to “acts of God.” This phrase often appears in contracts to limit liability for injuries, damages, and losses caused by events outside human control. It’s a recognition that when natural disasters strike, nobody is at fault. (Even when human actions may have contributed to disaster’s likelihood.) Some events in our fallen world are subject only to the sovereign hand that governs the universe.
The idea of “acts of God” remains important for insurance purposes. But it has nearly disappeared from our national conversations around disasters. People increasingly assume we can control everything, so they blame each other when bad things happen. This illusion of human omnipotence has been especially evident in the last year, and it’s vital to challenge it.
Disaster Blame Game
Consider the reactions to the historically devastating hurricanes in 2024. By any standard, Hurricane Helene was a force beyond human control, plowing through the Carolinas and other states after making landfall in Florida—carving a swath of flooding and death like nothing else in the region’s living memory.
People increasingly assume we can control everything, so they blame each other when bad things happen.
Yet before the waters had receded or the public had comprehended the death toll, social media was buzzing with claims that nefarious actors in the government had manipulated the weather, spinning up the storm to drown or displace rural Americans. These rumors became so widespread that U.S. representative Chuck Edwards of North Carolina issued a statement attempting to quell them and calm his constituents. That didn’t stop a fellow member of Congress, Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, from stoking similar fears days later about Hurricane Milton, pointing to small-scale cloud-seeding as proof that man-made, continent-sized cyclones are possible.
Left-leaning journalists and scientists, for their part, were quick to blame man-made climate change, reciting a script used nearly every time a natural disaster strikes. Some even tried to pin the storms on specific officials, as in Florida, where reporters implied the governor Ron DeSantis bore fault for the devastation brought by Helene and Milton because he expresses skepticism about the human causes of climate change. Whatever the merits of the global warming explanation for weather-related disasters, the idea that the governor of a state with one of the lowest per-capita carbon emissions is particularly to blame for the state of the climate is strange.
Or consider January’s devastating wildfires in Los Angeles, which were fueled by a “perfect storm” of seasonal winds, historically dry conditions, and the accumulation of dense brush in a naturally fire-prone landscape. Most of these factors were outside local officials’ control and have contributed to countless fires in the past. Such events stretch back millennia before California was urbanized, characterizing the “chaparral” ecosystem that depends on periodic fires and burns under natural conditions.
None of these facts stopped politicians or pundits from blaming the fires on the negligence of specific people. Donald Trump, then president-elect, slammed California officials for the blazes, claiming Gavin Newsom had withheld water from the region to save an endangered fish. In response, a Metropolitan Water District member told CBS that the district already had “a record amount of water” in reservoirs. The real challenge, apparently, was delivering that water to affected areas, which was especially difficult due to high winds that grounded firefighting helicopters—again, a factor beyond anyone’s control. It’s certainly possible that officials could have better prepared for or responded to these fires. But the idea that they were entirely preventable or someone’s “fault” is fantasy.
We’re Not Omnipotent
Efforts to politicize naturally occurring disasters—even naturally occurring disasters that may have been made worse by human incompetence—assume the world is within human control. They treat peace and harmony with nature as our default state. If something bad happens, it must be someone’s fault.
German sociologist and political scientist Hartmut Rosa argues that this need to feel in charge of our surroundings is the “driving cultural force” of modern life. In his book The Uncontrollability of the World, he critiques “the idea, the hope and desire” that we can “make the world engineerable, predictable, available, accessible, disposable . . . in all its aspects.” He writes,
We reflexively seek “responsible parties” even in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Someone must have violated building regulations, disregarded safety precautions, ignored warnings signs. Again and again, all our political and discursive energy seems to coalesce into outrage directed against those who failed to prepare for or subsequently manage the disaster in question.
Such hubris fails to take seriously how small and fragile we humans are, how much this “groaning” creation differs from its Creator’s original intention, and how profoundly all our lives depend on events partially or totally beyond our control.
Historian Will Durant is often credited with saying that “civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.” If we’re honest, it also exists at the consent of meteorology, microbiology, virology, and even astronomy. The apostle James summed up our situation best when he wrote, “You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:14).
Blame and conspiracy-theorizing after a natural disaster appeal to us, in part, because they help us cope with the uncertainty and mist-like quality of human life. While sometimes those approaches are proved to be based in elements of truth, the disaster blame game is often a way to dismiss “acts of God.” It portrays the world as fully controllable. But this isn’t only an illusion about the world and our place in it. It’s ultimately a denial of God’s unique authority.
God’s Jurisdiction
Events like hurricanes, fires, and pandemics reinforce our utter dependence on the One who commands the wind and the waves. We may not like it, and we may seek someone to blame. We may want explanations for why God allows calamities. Such explanations are often elusive.
The disaster blame game is often a way to dismiss ‘acts of God.’ It portrays the world as fully controllable.
The disciples asked Jesus, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” He replied, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:1–3). Job’s friends proposed similar explanations for his suffering, certain he must have sinned to bring so many calamities on himself. Their theories were wrong, and in the end, even God offered Job no explanation except his own sovereignty—his right to act within creation (Job 42:1–6).
There’s much we can do to predict, avoid, and mitigate natural disasters, particularly in the modern world. That’s a blessing. Yet we must remember that even after all human efforts have been exerted, and even if every decision was made correctly, nature is still characterized by an uncertainty and unpredictability over which God alone has jurisdiction. He alone is sovereign over the weather, the earth, the heavens, and even our bodies. This much is clear in Scripture. And it’s just as clear to careful and honest observers of this world’s present form.
We’d do well to think twice before indulging in the blame game when disaster strikes, opting instead to tremble at our smallness. Only then can we entrust ourselves to the God who is truly in control and who promises to act once more to restore this groaning world.