Mar 25, Reconciling the Evangelical Paul with the Biblical Paul

Paul does not need to be reconciled with James because he says all the things James…

Feb 28, How to Live Holy

The Bible clearly teaches us how to live holy by his grace, by the Holy Spirit,…

Feb 28, Present Yourself a Living Sacrifice

The apostle Paul says to present yourself a living sacrifice. What does that mean? Explore this…

Feb 22, What Are Seventh-Day Adventists?

Seventh-Day Adventists are named from their focus on the seventh day, the Sabbath, and the second…

Dec 4, Solis Apostolis: Not Scripture Only, but the Apostles Only

Solis Apostolis is the tradition about tradition, that the only tradition that has authority for the…

Jan 17, How to Find a Church

So many choices; so many competing churches. Does the Bible say anything about whom we should…

Dec 26, Why I Am Not Eastern Orthodox

Many who read my web sites, blogs, and Facebook posts ask me why I am not…

Nov 20, Ulrich Zwingli: Swiss Reformer and Martin Luther Contemporary

Ulrich Zwingli founded the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland at the same time Martin luther was beginning…

Oct 6, Quotes About the Remission of Sins from Christian History

Quotes about the remission of sins from throughout Christian history Powered by WPeMatico

‘God Called Me Here’: YWAM Missionaries Share Why They Remain in Ukraine, Despite the Danger

‘God Called Me Here’: YWAM Missionaries Share Why They Remain in Ukraine, Despite the Danger Andrea.Garrett…

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