Church Hurts for Pastors, Too

When a first-time guest comes to my church after belonging to a different congregation in the…

Hope for Tainted Creeks and Troubled Families

Sara Kyoungah White’s meditation on a polluted creek in our November/December issue struck our readers as…

Who Gets Our Church After a Dating Breakup?

Got a question for CT’s advice columnists? Email Queries may be edited for brevity and…

Justin Brierley Goes from Unbelievable to Re-Enchanting

Walk around central London, and you’ll quickly spot the capital’s famous red buses, their sides adorned…

Faith Torn Down to the Studs

There are two conversations I recall with clarity. The first happens on a hot August day,…

One Lord, One Faith, Many Metaphors

As much as we exert control over our words, our words can exert a kind of…

What Must We Do to Agree on Salvation?

As a Baptist preacher’s kid, I never gave any serious thought to the question of whether…

Satisfaction Comes for Doubters

There was a time when I struggled to articulate why I was a Christian.In my college…

What Is Christian Radio Missing? Dad Rock.

After 30 years working at rock radio stations, Matt Talluto lost his job during the pandemic.…

Why We Still Root for Biblical Anti-Heroes

As a kid, I loved Hebrews 11 with its hall of famed Bible heroes who lived…

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