Half of Pastors Plan to Vote for Trump, Nearly a Quarter Wouldn’t Say

Like other Americans, pastors are deciding who they’ll vote for in the November election. Compared to…

The Rural Cambodian Community that Fostered 76 Children

In 2008, Keo Ravy and Amy Sullivan of Children in Families (CIF) drove to an orphanage…

South Korea’s Missions Success Won’t Be Its Future

Beginning in 2002, South Korean national Somang Son served as a missionary in New Delhi, India,…

Arrested Filipino Pastor Apollo Quiboloy Claims He’s the Messiah

Apollo Quiboloy called himself the “Appointed Son of God.” But to Filipino and American authorities, he…

Unclench Your Fist

Questions about the place of Christianity and the posture of Christians in a pluralistic society have…

‘Wesley Is Fire Now’ and Evangelicals Are Being Strangely Warmed

Shawn Hamilton does what a lot of college-aged guys do on Christian campuses. He goes to…

Egyptian Christians Show ‘Love of Jesus’ to Displaced Palestinians

 Almost six months have passed since Issa Saliba boarded a bus in Gaza with 15 other…

New & Noteworthy

Great to Good Jae Hoon Lee (IVP) Highly driven performers and organizational leaders often speak of making…

A Subtler Political Idolatry

As a college student, I never missed a State of the Union address. Feeling a sense…

Sincerely, Your Spiritual Mentor

I have often longed for my own personal trainer, not so much for getting in better physical…

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