How to Find Unity Instead of Uniformity in Your Church

I don’t know any Christians who say they want less diversity in their church. But when…

Novel Friendships for Pastors’ Wives

Long before I married a pastor, I was steeped in the fellowship of pastors’ wives. Mrs.…

How Should We Navigate Our Convictions and Consciences? (Rom. 14:13–23)

To bear with one another in love includes respecting others’ sensitivities and reservations, even when we…

Is the End of History at Hand?

Are we living in the last days? Is Jesus coming very soon? According to Hebrews 1:2,…

How (and Why) to Greet like Paul 

A church’s entrance isn’t just a functional space for people coming to and from church. It’s…

Discussing LGBT+ Questions Can Help Our Children Understand the Gospel

My daughter has remarkable ears. Sometimes, when I speak to her, she cannot hear. Other times,…

The Government Can’t Change the Heart, but Love Can

Politics is tearing our country apart. And you don’t have to be a pundit to see…

Love Your ‘Good Kid’ Enough to Show Them They’re Bad

“Dad, which one’s the bad guy?” My 8-year-old daughter was trying to make sense of the…

You Need Deep Cuts from Jesus’s Scalpel

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death . . . you…

How Understanding God’s Story Changes Yours

The study of Scripture’s grand narrative isn’t just an intellectual exercise; it’s a transformative one. In…

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