What Should We Think About Paedocommunion? 

In Reformed (and particularly Presbyterian) churches, you may hear about “paedocommunion,” sometimes called “infant communion” or…

Let the Bible Help You Understand Depression

Sarah, a faithful Sunday school teacher who enthralls kids with stories about God’s goodness, misses several…

Pastoral or Academic Ministry? How a Pastor-Theologian Can Balance 2 Loves

“Since I have a love for both, should I pursue pastoral ministry or academic ministry?” As…

Violent Pornography’s Assault on the Marriage Bed

The most influential source of sex education in America today is pornography. For the majority of…

Fight Political Fear with Kingdom Hope

In 1984, two of my Christian friends lived together in Washington, DC, as summer interns. One…

5 Servants Every Church Needs

Jack attended the morning service every Sunday with his wife. In the time I knew him,…

Hollywood’s Rut: On-Point Style, Aimless Substance

In today’s streaming-media world, we’re inundated with visual stories. A good number are well done: Engaging…

Pastors: Be Unapologetic Apologists

“Why should I trust a man who lived 2,000 years ago, hung out with social outcasts,…

Hold On to Faith amid Doubts

In his breakout at TGC23, Michael Kruger argues doubt is a natural part of growing faith…

3 Ways Keller’s Preaching Course Changed My Ministry

Co-taught by the late theologians Tim Keller and Edmund Clowney, the lecture series “Preaching Christ in…

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