Imbedded Deceit in Florida Amendment 4

Abortion has likely been the most contentious and consistent conversation in American politics over my 45 years. As a pastor, I’ve never endorsed a candidate, and I’d imagine things would need to be either incredibly good or incredibly bad for me to consider doing so. Still, we have a responsibility to bless the cities we live in, and at times that requires us to speak out on moral issues like abortion, political as they may be.

I’ve walked with women (and men) as they wrestled through all the emotions that come both before and after an abortion. My church in Orlando shares Maitland Avenue with an abortion clinic. Abortion isn’t merely an academic or political discussion for me but one that hits close to home. With that said, Florida’s proposed Amendment 4 to potentially legalize full-term abortion without parental consent is as deceptive in its presentation as it is wrong in its ethic.

The Presentation

The title of the proposed amendment claims to “limit government interference with abortion,” but it essentially divests the government of its role to protect both the lives of the unborn and the health of the pregnant mothers. Florida amendments, with their short, attractive titles and brief descriptions, are notoriously easy to pass but hard to repeal. So let’s look at the brief description as it appears on the ballot.

“No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion . . .”

Not only will this allow full-term abortions, but it presumably lifts basic safety regulations that currently protect the women getting abortions.

“. . . before viability . . .”

Conveniently, “viability” isn’t defined. Again, this opens the door to abortions up until birth.

“. . . or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, . . .”

What constitutes the patient’s health? Does mental stress, financial stress, or anxiety create a health issue that warrants late-term abortion?

“. . . as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” 

This isn’t necessarily a doctor but simply a healthcare provider. Again, this puts women at increased risk of dangerous procedures.

“This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion.”

That sounds good on the surface. Parents will still be notified, but they aren’t required to consent in any way. Imagine being told your underage daughter is having an abortion, but unlike with every other medical procedure, you wouldn’t need to give your consent.

But doesn’t a woman have the right to choose what happens to her body? Yes, to an extent. But none of us can legally do whatever we want with our bodies. U.S. laws prevent organ sales, public nudity, and prostitution. We also aren’t only talking about the mother’s body. We’re talking about the baby’s body inside the mother. This amendment threatens the lives of both babies and mothers while hiding this truth behind a misleading presentation.

The Ethic

Abortion isn’t a progressive or new idea. It’s a return to an archaic practice. Abortion and infanticide were common in the Roman Empire during the rise of Christianity. In the Epistle to Diognetus, a second-century letter explaining Christianity, the author wrote, “[Christians] marry and have children, but they do not kill unwanted babies.” The Didache, the earliest nonscriptural Christian writing, explicitly says, “You shall not abort a child or commit infanticide.”

Doesn’t a woman have the right to choose what happens to her body? Yes, to an extent. But none of us can legally do whatever we want with our bodies.

Christianity holds the progressive view on abortion, and for thousands of years, Christians have consistently protected the lives of unborn babies. The pro-choice movement advocates a return to barbaric practices.

Pro-abortion laws in the United States have made our obligation to protect vulnerable life a gray issue. Under Roe v. Wade, 38 states had fetal homicide laws but also allowed abortion. So in those states, a woman could have an abortion, but if she were hit by a drunk driver on her way to the procedure and her unborn baby died as a result, it was manslaughter. Science shows that babies in the womb hear, feel pain, suck their thumbs, and possibly even dream. But even as science brings greater clarity to this discussion, we must acknowledge this is still a philosophical question with significant moral implications.

Historically, those in power have decided what constitutes “humanness” while the weak suffer. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the United States decided humanness applied to the white population, allowing them to kidnap and enslave Africans. In the 20th century, Nazi Germany decided humanness applied to the Aryan race, allowing them to slaughter Jews. Iceland recently decided those with a typical genetic code have the right to life, and they’ve virtually eradicated babies with Down syndrome.

But a person’s value isn’t attached to his or her skin color, ethnicity, religion, genetic code, or age. All humans have value because we’re made in God’s image—all of us. If passed, Amendment 4 will secure Florida as a destination graveyard.

What the Gospel Demands

While we should vote “no” to this amendment, we can’t stop there. There are real social issues that contribute to people feeling abortion is their best or only option. The opportunities to bless our cities go well beyond voting.

If passed, Amendment 4 will secure Florida as a destination graveyard.

Many abortions could be prevented if the parents had better access to medical care, financial resources, adoptions, and stable communities. These are historically some of the church’s greatest strengths as we were the impetus and backbone of hospitals, orphanages, and education in the Western world. We cannot simply vote and wash our hands of the issue. The gospel demands more.

The preservation of life is at the gospel’s heart. God cares about us so much that he came to earth so we might have eternal and abundant life. Jesus gave his life to save ours. All who are recipients of that abundant and eternal life now have a responsibility to champion the life of all.

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