Packing for TGCW24? Leave Room for Discounted Books.

The Gospel Coalition’s 2024 Women’s Conference is just around the corner. Thousands of women of all ages will gather from around the globe to think more deeply about the person and work of Jesus Christ.

My whole family will be there either volunteering or attending. There’ll be a sense of excitement as thousands of Christian women gather to fellowship and learn. The lineup of speakers is excellent and the breakout sessions look edifying. Additionally, we’ll be worshiping together with Shane & Shane.

But for many of us, the bookstore is also an exciting attraction. This year’s conference bookstore will feature more than 3,200 books and resources from 40 publishers. There’ll be featured areas for TGC speakers’ books, best-selling Bibles, Spanish titles, and gospel-centered resources for children and parents. Many of these will be at deep discounts.

Save room in your luggage to carry some of these books home. Or, if you prefer, 10ofthose is offering shipping so you can have your new resources sent directly to your home.

Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel, Behold and Believe: A Bible Study on the “I Am” Statements of Jesus (TGC/Crossway, 2023)

$9.99 (38 percent off)

Seeing is believing. If we want to know who Jesus is and why he is important to our lives, we need to take a closer look at what he said about himself. Jesus describes himself as the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, and more. His bold words invite us to behold him―and then to trust him. This seven-week Bible study that ties directly to the conference theme will help you explore Jesus’s identity using the “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John.

Melissa Kruger and Megan Hill, eds., Fruitful: Cultivating a Spiritual Harvest That Won’t Leave You Empty Doubt (TGC/Crossway, 2024)

$7.50 (50 percent off)

As Christians, we long for spiritually fruitful lives. However, our attempts to work more and hustle harder only leave us feeling weary and worn. Thankfully, God’s Word supplies the nourishment we so desperately need. As we abide in Jesus, he fills our emptiness with an abundant crop of spiritual fruit. This 40-day devotional explores each of the nine fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.

Kathryn Butler, What Does Depression Mean for My Faith? (TGC/Crossway, 2024)

$4.00 (50 percent off)

What should Christians think about clinical depression? How can church leaders respond lovingly to those who face this dark, unsettling, and sometimes baffling dilemma? Author and physician Kathryn Butler addresses common misconceptions about mental illness in the church. She offers grace, relief, and practical help to Christians who feel shame, and she equips church leaders with the tools they need to extend Christ’s love to the vulnerable.

This is the latest offering in the TGC Hard Questions series, which also includes volumes like these:

Sharon James, Is Christianity Good for the World? (TGC/Crossway, 2023)

Jeremy Linneman, Why Do We Feel Lonely at Church? (TGC/Crossway, 2023)

Samuel D. Ferguson, Does God Care About Gender Identity? (TGC/Crossway, 2023)

Randy Newman, Questioning Faith: Indirect Journeys of Belief Through Terrains of Doubt (TGC/Crossway, 2024)

$10.04 (33 percent off)

After 40 years of listening to hundreds of people’s stories of faith, Randy Newman (who recently went to be with Christ) came to see that answering spiritual questions usually involves a series of twists and turns, not a direct ascent from one belief to another. Our political view, family background, understanding of sexuality, and religious background all play a part in our faith journeys. If you or a friend are navigating terrains of doubt, you’ll find Newman’s book a faithful guide. This title will help you sort through your many questions and find solid answers.

Ginger Blomberg, Charlie and the Preschool Prodigal (TGC/Crossway, 2024)

$7.50 (50 percent off)

Eddie decides to run away from home, taking his brother Charlie’s candy and his father’s new tie with him on his journey. When Eddie returns home feeling scared and guilty about his choice, his father is waiting for him with open arms. But Charlie, who is confused by his father’s immediately welcoming reaction, is hesitant to join in the celebration. This book, like the parable, doesn’t resolve Charlie’s story but instead invites young readers to imagine themselves in Charlie’s position―spurring thoughtful discussion between parents and children as they learn about sin, grace, and the unconditional love of the Father through his Son’s death on the cross.

This is the latest offering in the TGC Kids series, which also includes titles like these:

Betsy Childs Howard, Arlo and the Great Big Cover-Up (TGC/Crossway, 2020)

Megan Hill, Meg Is Not Alone (TGC/Crossway, 2022)

Melissa Kruger, Lucy and the Saturday Surprise (TGC/Crossway, 2023)

Ana Ávila, Make the Most of Your Productivity (TGC/Crossway, 2024)

$8.50 (50 percent off)

This user-friendly guide teaches six principles to help you honor God with all you have and reflect his character through your creativity. Along with a gospel-centered perspective on life, you’ll learn skills to increase efficiency, such as forming healthy habits, using productivity tools, creating tasks and projects, and more. Whether you are achievement-oriented or struggle with discipline, Ávila will show you how to reorient your time, boundaries, decisions, focus, habits, and tools around God’s main design for productivity: serving him and helping others.

Other Deals Worth Noting:

Danny Akin, 10 Women Who Changed the World (B&H, 2024), $12.59

Rebecca McLaughlin, Jesus Through the Eyes of Women (TGC, 2022), $8.00

Cameron Cole, Heavenward: How Eternity Can Change Your Life on Earth (Crossway, 2024), $11.38

Courtney Doctor, From Garden to Glory: How Understanding God’s Story Changes Yours (Harvest, 2024), $9.00

Megan Hill, Sighing on Sunday: 40 Meditations for When Church Hurts (P&R, 2024), $10.00

Chelsea Sobolik, Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and Work (Moody, 2023), $10.23

Adriel Sanchez, Praying with Jesus: Getting to the Heart of the Lord’s Prayer (New Growth Press, 2024), $11.38

Rebecca McLaughlin, Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? (The Good Book Company, 2024), $5.99

Kenneth Padgett and Shay Gregorie, The Story of God Our Savior (Wolfbane, 2024), $15.00

Nora Allison, A Short Guide to Women’s Ministry (B&H, 2024), $10.49

Ivan Mesa and Elliot Clark, eds., Faithful Exiles (TGC, 2023), $3.00

Rebecca McLaughlin, The Secular Creed (TGC, 2021), $8.00

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