When Motherhood Feels Invisible

Many of the daily responsibilities and tasks of motherhood go unseen by the outside world. It’s…

Can a Man Feel Like He’s a Woman?

Earlier this year, Christian hip-hop artist Shai Linne released a new track titled “Farm Talk.” This…

The Curious Case of the Christian Reformed Church

Two years ago, in a move that surprised almost everyone, the synod of the Christian Reformed…

How Churches Can Support Christian Teachers in Public Schools

I sat in the pew next to one of my students, both of us dabbing tears…

Embrace the World’s Miraculous Absurdity

This spring, my wife and I looked at the sky from our backyard. We marveled at…

Christian Vocation Disrupts the Culture

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray…

Help Kids Value Nature in a Virtual World

Our family recently returned from a week in the Appalachian Mountains—climbing wooded trails and playing in…

Pastor, Are the Gaps in Your Faith Affecting Your Ministry?

Every pastor encounters challenges—gaps between God’s design and his own ministry reality. Our programs and discipleship…

Ministry to Modern Youth: Challenges and Opportunities

Clark Fobes highlights the importance of understanding diversity and cultural context when reaching Gen Z with…

The Christian Roots of Speaking Truth to Power

In the late modern West, we’re accustomed to hearing the phrase “Speak truth to power.” It…

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