What It’s like to Preach in the Wilderness

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his…

Quality Christian Music: 15 Artists to Watch

Every summer, I compile a list of quality Christian artists who I think should be on…

Olympic Gold to Missionary Sacrifice: Eric Liddell’s Legacy at 100

In 2004, Chinese athlete Liu Xiang won Olympic glory for his nation as the gold medalist…

Editor’s Pick: 7 Books on End-of-Life Issues

End-of-life issues bring turbulence to even the strongest believers. Whether we’re dealing with a sudden loss,…

It Takes a Church to Disciple Kids

Discipleship is essential for the spiritual growth of the next generation. In this breakout session from…

Keep Watch for Biblical Allusions

When I watch Marvel movies with my kids, we’re always on the hunt for Easter eggs,…

How One Liberal Theologian Found Jesus

Significant figures in recent history are easily forgotten. You may have never heard of Eta Linnemann,…

What Does It Mean to Die with Dignity?

When my dear friend Violet entered the hospice house in her last days of life, I…

‘Spiritual but Not Religious’ Is Older Than You Think

A growing number of people in the U.S. identify as “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR). According…

How to Discern Truth and Love: 1 John 4:1–5:4

Don Carson teaches on 1 John 4:1–5:4, exploring the themes of truth and love and the…

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