‘They Want to Reset the World’: End Times Author Breaks Down ‘Great Reset,’ Antichrist, and Future One-World Govt

‘They Want to Reset the World’: End Times Author Breaks Down ‘Great Reset,’ Antichrist, and Future One-World Govt
Mon, 08/08/2022 – 14:00

End-times author Jeff Kinley hopes to inspire readers to be informed, equipped, and ready for what the Bible prophesies will one day unfold.

“We need to be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ,” Kinley recently told CBN’s Faithwire.

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That’s the topic of a new book he authored alongside fellow eschatological mind Mark Hitchcock. The book, “Global Reset: Do Current Events Point to the Antichrist and His Worldwide Empire?” covers some fascinating ground, particularly concerning the intersection of prophecy and current events.

“Things are coming together with a velocity that we’ve not seen in modern times,” Kinley said.

Watch him discuss the Great Reset, theology, prophecy, and more:

Kinley believes the Great Reset, an effort by the World Economic Forum to address global issues ranging from the pandemic to other crises, could be paving the way for end-times prophecies.

His book promises to explore “how world leaders are using the ‘Great Reset’ agenda to seize pandemics, natural disasters and catastrophes, civil disorder, political unrest, and other current events to reshape every facet of life — all pointing toward the universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist.”

Kinley said global elites are intensely focused on wanting to “change the world fundamentally” and explained why the Great Reset is seen as a way to accomplish that goal.

“Sometimes you have to reset your computer or reset your phone … they believe that the world is not working properly, it’s not equitable, it’s not honoring the planet, it’s consuming too much energy and too many natural resources,” Kinley said. “They want to reset the whole planet and basically replace capitalism with socialism, replace nationalism with a one-world government.”

He added, “They want to reset the world … and remake it in their own image.”

Kinley discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to be a rallying cry for those who were sympathetic to or pushing for this “reset,” as it was a global crisis involving nearly every government.

“The entire planet was talking about one thing,” he said, tying that reality back to theological views on the eventual rise of the antichrist, who many Christians believe will come and establish a one-world government. “Scripture gives us a pretty clear indication about what we’re going to see in the very last days of human history.”

Kinley, who pondered whether the Great Reset ideology could pave the way for this unified world government, also explained his take surrounding Satan’s dominance over earthly kingdoms.

He appealed to biblical examples to make his point, including the devil’s attempts to tempt Jesus.

“When Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in Matthew 4 and Luke 4, it’s interesting that Christ — He didn’t deny that Satan had the opportunity or authority to do that,” Kinley said. “Satan has control of these kingdoms of the world right now.”

The author believes this power will one day go to the antichrist, who will essentially “control everything that goes on in the world” and will eventually “require [people] to worship him, which is Satan’s ancient ambition anyway, to be worshipped.”

Find out more in “Global Reset: Do Current Events Point to the Antichrist and His Worldwide Empire?” and learn more about the ideas behind the Great Reset.

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