Jack attended the morning service every Sunday with his wife. In the time I knew him,…
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Hollywood’s Rut: On-Point Style, Aimless Substance
In today’s streaming-media world, we’re inundated with visual stories. A good number are well done: Engaging…
Pastors: Be Unapologetic Apologists
“Why should I trust a man who lived 2,000 years ago, hung out with social outcasts,…
Hold On to Faith amid Doubts
In his breakout at TGC23, Michael Kruger argues doubt is a natural part of growing faith…
3 Ways Keller’s Preaching Course Changed My Ministry
Co-taught by the late theologians Tim Keller and Edmund Clowney, the lecture series “Preaching Christ in…
Why Male Friendships Are Growing in America’s Most Average Town
In the most average town in America, something unusual is happening. Waupun, Wisconsin, got its name…
Let’s Talk Reunion: The Blessings of Bible Study with Friends
In this reunion episode of Let’s Talk, Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger highlight…
Testimony from L’Abri: Francis Schaeffer Left an Enduring Legacy
Forty years after Francis Schaeffer’s passing, his contributions to the church and the world are still…
Respond to Conflict like Francis Schaeffer
I tend to tune out social media controversies and negative online comments. It’s generally a good…
Pro-life rally outside Parliament urges MPs to reject abortion up to birth
Hundreds of people are expected to join a pro-life rally outside Parliament as MPs debate the…